
The Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health is a non-profit enterprise. It is published by the Canadian Periodical for Community Studies Inc. and is registered as a charity for income-tax purposes by the Government of Canada (No. 0613950-11-15).

Publishing in both official languages

The Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health publishes articles in either French or English with the abstracts published in both languages.


All authors are expected to sign a copyright agreement assigning copyright for the manuscript to the Canadian Periodical for Community Studies, Inc.

No part of the Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher or, in case of photocopying or other reprographic copying, a licence from Access Copyright (Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency), 1 Yonge Street, Suite 1900, Toronto, ON M5E 1E5 (email: [email protected]).


Duplicate and prior publication

CJCMH considers a paper not eligible for publication if most of the content of the paper is under consideration for publication elsewhere or is published in a journal, book chapter, or conference proceedings. Abstracts or extended abstracts related to conferences do not constitute prior publication. Extended abstracts are usually under 2000 words and do not include presentation of detailed tables and graphics of the results of the study. Authors may place a draft of a submitted article on their website or their organization’s server, provided that the draft is not amended once accepted for publication. We encourage authors to insert hyperlinks from preprints to the final published version on the CJCMH website.

Studies involving human participants

Authors who describe studies with human participants are required to provide assurance in the manuscript that appropriate ethical standards have been followed, that the study has been reviewed and approved by their institution’s ethics review committee, and that the participants have given voluntary capable informed consent prior to participating in the study.  This includes work originally done for routine institutional purposes (e.g., QI, evaluation, standard testing) but which is now being used for research purposes.

Photos of people

If a person pictured in a photo is identifiable, his or her permission is required to publish the photo. The person will be asked to sign a letter or form allowing the Journal to publish the photo.