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Adolescent Drinking Problems: Urban Vs. Rural Differences in Nova Scotia

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
April 1989


The purpose of this study is to examine the nature and extent of alcohol-related problems experienced by adolescents residing in an urban (n = 1132) and rural (n = 987) area of Nova Scotia. These problems are divided into three categories: social consequences, early dependency symptoms, and vandalism or violence. A significantly greater number of subjects in the rural as compared to urban junior-high grades reported problems with school (χ2 = 7.21, p < .007), the police (χ2 = 4.5, p < .03), and money (χ2 = 4.23, p < .03), whereas a significantly greater number (χ2 = 5.04, p < .020) of high-school seniors from the urban area reported pre-party drinking as compared to their rural counterparts. The small-town environment of a rural area appears to provide little insulation against the risks and problems associated with teenage alcohol consumption. Health professionals need to become aware of the prevalence of adolescent drinking problems and take an active role in supporting enlightened public policies.


Le but de cet article est d'examiner la nature et I'étendue des problémes reliés à l'alcool chez les adolescents de milieux urbains (n = 1132) et de milieux ruraux (n = 987) en Nouvelle Ecosse. On distingue trois catégories de problémes: les conséquences sociales, les symptmmes de dépendance, et la violence ou le vandalisme. Les adolescents du premier niveau (junior high grades) des milieux ruraux sont plus nombreux que ceux des villes à affronter des problémes concernant l'école, la police, et l'argent: au second niveau (high-school seniors). les adolescents des villes sont plus nombreux que les autres a consommer de l'alcool avant les “party.” L'environment des petites villes semble offrir peu de protection contre les risque et les problémes reliés à l'usage de l'alchool chez les jeunes. Les professionnels de la santé doivent étre attentifs á la prévalence d'alcoolisme chez les adolescents et jouer un róle actif pour supporter les politiques publiques.

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cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 8Number 1April 1989
Pages: 5 - 14


Version of record online: 29 April 2009



Wayne R. Mitic

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