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Homeless Women and Freedom of Choice

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
April 1989


This paper looks at the issue of freedom of choice as it relates to women who chronically use hostels for single women in Toronto. The paper reviews the systemic and “personal” factors which underlie the homelessness of some women and examines the conditions in which transient women live while a part of the hostel circuit. Finally, the paper discusses the physical and psychological needs which hostels meet for such women even as they limit the range of their patrons' areas of self-determination. It is concluded that any concept of “freedom of choice” for homeless women must be viewed within a context of extreme caution.


Cet article traite de la liberté de choix des femmes qui utilisent les refuges pour femmes scules à Toronto. On cerne les facteurs systemiques et personnels quí sous-tendent la condition d'itinérantes de certaines femmes; on examine aussi les conditions imposées à ces femmes quand elles vivent dans ces refuges. On discute enfin des besoins physiques et psychologiques auxquels ces refuges répondent en limitant les domaines d'auto-détermination. En conclusion on souligne que le concept de liberté de choix pour les femmes itinérantes doit étre utilisè avec beaucoup de prudence.

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cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 8Number 1April 1989
Pages: 135 - 145


Version of record online: 29 April 2009



Brenda Doyle Farge

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