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The Emotionally Abused Woman: An Existential-Phenomenological Exploration

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
April 1996


This study investigated the meaning of the emotional abuse experience for six women co-researchers, using an existential-phenomenological approach. Their experiences show a number of shared themes. All were emotionally abused in their families of origin and all described similar stages in their reactions to the abuse. All experienced an almost total loss of self in the partnership relationship and all identified the same key components as being critical to their healing process. Many factors appear to contribute to the development of emotional abuse, including cultural norms that do not encourage the nurturing of independence and self-esteem in females.


Cette étude a examiné le sens de la violence émotive vécue par six femmes co-chercheures selon une approche existentielle-phénoménologique. Leurs expériences comprennent plusicurs caractéristiques communes. Toutes les femmes furent victimes de violence familiale et toutes ont décrit des étapes similaries dans leurs réactions face è la violence. Toute ont vécu une importante perte d'identité dans leur relation avec un partienaire intime et toutes ont identifié les mêes composantes fondamentales comme responsables de leur processus de guérision. Plusieurs facterus semblent contribuer au développement de la violence émotive, y compris les normes culturelles qui n'encouragent pas la valorisation de l'autonomie et de l'estime de soi chez les femmes.

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cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 15Number 1April 1996
Pages: 39 - 48


Version of record online: 5 May 2009



Karen Eve Lecovin
The Union Institute Graduate School
P. Susan Penfold
University of British Columbia

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