Open access

A Recovery College in Canada: An Innovative Means of Supporting and Empowering Individuals with Severe Mental Illness

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
16 November 2017


The Recovery College at Ontario Shores provides service users who have mental health challenges with courses, which they choose, to learn about recovery, mental health, treatment options, leisure, and fun. College components designed to enhance recovery also include peer support and access to the library to enhance individualized learning.


Le Recovery College du centre de santé mentale Ontario Shores offre aux personnes qui ont des problèmes de santé mentale des cours, qu’elles choisissent elles-mêmes, sur le rétablissement, la santé mentale, les options de traitement, les loisirs et la notion de plaisir. Ce collège d’accompagnement dans le processus de rétablissement offre également du soutien par les pairs et l’accès à une bibliothèque à ceux et celles qui souhaitent poursuivre leur apprentissage de façon individuelle.

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Dunn E. A., Chow J., Meddings S., and Haycock L. J. 2016 Barriers to attendance at recovery colleges Mental Health and Social Inclusion 20 4 238 -246
Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC). (2015). Recovery guidelines. Ottawa, ON: Author. Retrieved from
Newman-Taylor K., Stone N., Valentine P., Hooks Z., and Sault K. 2016 The recovery college: A unique service approach and qualitative evaluation Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 29 2 187 -190
Perkins, R., Repper, J., Rinaldi, M., & Brown, H. (2012). Recovery colleges. UK: NHS Confederation Mental-health Network.
Shepherd, G, McGregor, J., Medding, S., & Roeg, W. (2017). Recovery colleges and co-production. In M. Slade, L. Oades, & A. Jarden (Eds.), Wellbeing, recovery and mental health (pp. 181–193). Cambridge University Press.

Information & Authors


Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 36Number 3November 2017
Pages: 59 - 63


Version of record online: 16 November 2017

Key Words

  1. recovery college
  2. implementation
  3. peer support
  4. co-design


  1. Recovery College
  2. soutien par les pairs
  3. mise en oeuvre
  4. co-conception



Simone Arbour [email protected]
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
Allison Stevens
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

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