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A Scoping Review of Parenting Programs for Indigenous People in Canada: What Approaches Are Being Applied in Indigenous Communities?

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
3 May 2021


There has been a significant disruption in the transmission of parenting practices across generations of Canadian Indigenous communities (Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada [TRC], 2015). As a result, there is a pressing need for effective and culturally appropriate programs for Indigenous parents (TRC, 2015). Review of currently available parenting programs in Canada may help by synthesizing Indigenous and non-Indigenous parenting knowledge. To that end, a scoping review of sources that described parenting programs for Indigenous families was completed using 11 databases and available grey literature. All programs integrated cultural components into treatment, though specific activities, content, and structure varied. Recommendations for clinical practice and future research are provided.


Il y a eu une perturbation dans la transmission des pratiques parentales à travers les générations des communautés autochtones-canadiennes (TRC, 2015). Par conséquent, il y a une nécessité pour les programmes culturellement appropriés pour les parents autochtones (CVRC, 2015). Une analyse des programmes de parentalité au Canada peut aider à synthétiser l’apprentissage des compétences parentales autochtones et non-autochtones. À cette fin, un examen de 11 bases de données a été fait. Chaque programme a intégré des composantes culturelles dans le traitement, pourtant les activités, le contenu et la structure ont varié. Des recommandations pour la pratique clinique et la future recherche sont fournies.

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 40Number 1May 2021
Pages: 81 - 104


Version of record online: 3 May 2021

Key Words

  1. parenting programs
  2. Indigenous people
  3. culture
  4. scoping review
  5. Canada


  1. programme de parentalité
  2. population autochtones
  3. culture
  4. étude de la portée
  5. Canada



Lauren Dalicandro
Fred Schmidt
Children’s Centre Thunder Bay
Christopher J. Mushquash

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