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Strength Through Sharing: Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Providing Health and Social Services to Northern Native Communities

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
September 1997


The delivery of health and social services in Canada's northern First Nations is undermined by the fact that professionals from outside and para-professionals from the communities often fail to respect one another's capabilities or to undertand one another's roles and, consequently, do not work well together. This paper explores the personal, professional, and situational causes, using examples of mental health care in the Sioux Lookout Zone of northwestern Ontario. Arguing that an interdisciplinary team approach is the ideal and, perhaps, the only real way in which essential services can be delivered, the authors suggest ways to achieve more effective collaboration.


La mise è disposition des services sociaux et médicaux parmi les Premières Nations du nord du Canada est sapée par le fait que des professionels venant de l'extérieur et des paraprofessionnels de communautés mémes n'arrivent pas è respecter les aptitudes ni è comprendre les rôles les uns des autres et, par conséquent, ne coopèrent pas bien. Cet article examine les causes personnelles, professionnelles et situationnelles de ce manque de compréhension, en tirant des exemples des services psychiatriques dans la Zone de Sioux Lookout, au nord-ouest de l'Ontario. En soutenant qu'une approche interdisciplinaire, entreprise dans un esprit d'équipe. est la façon idéale. voire unique, d'offrir des soins de base, les auteurs suggèrent des moyens d'atteindre une collaboration plus efficace.

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cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 16Number 1September 1997
Pages: 15 - 28


Version of record online: 4 May 2009



Margaret Boone
Bruce Minore
Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research
Mae Katt
Bear Island Nation, Medical Service Branch Health Canada
Peggy Kinch

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Cited by

1. Promoting Multidisciplinary Relationships: A Pragmatic Framework for Helping Service Providers to Work Collaboratively

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