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Special Issue Understanding and Preventing Child Maltreatment Introduction

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
21 November 2014
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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 33Number 2December 2014
Pages: 1 - 12


Version of record online: 21 November 2014

Key Words

  1. epidemiology
  2. child maltreatment
  3. family violence
  4. children
  5. prevention
  6. program evaluation


  1. épidémiologie
  2. maltraitance
  3. violence
  4. enfants
  5. prévention
  6. évaluation de programmes



Marie-Ève Clément
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Marie-Hélène Gagné
Catherine M. Lee

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1. Supporting Parenting to Promote Children's Social and Emotional Well-being

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