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Mechanisms Supporting Students’ Social and Emotional Learning Development: Qualitative Findings from a Teacher-Led Intervention

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
24 August 2022


While the positive outcomes of social-emotional learning (SEL) are well documented, few studies examine the mechanisms supporting students’ SEL. Seven elementary teachers participated in audio-recorded focus groups/interviews following the implementation of an evidence-based, implementation sensitive SEL intervention. The current study identifies key mechanisms for effective school-based SEL interventions: (1) a whole-class approach; (2) a new vocabulary and shared language; (3) implementation of short, easy, reliable practices; (4) emphasis on transferable SEL strategies; and (5) improvements in teachers’ SEL knowledge, confidence, and behaviour. Findings support prevention and intervention practices to educate, train, and support stakeholders on the importance of classroom SEL.


Alors que les résultats positifs de l’apprentissage socioémotionnel (ASE) sont bien documentés, peu d’études examinent les mécanismes qui soutiennent l’ASE des élèves. Sept enseignants du primaire ont participé à des groupes de discussion enregistrés après avoir mis en oeuvre une intervention ASE. L’étude actuelle identifie les mécanismes clés pour des interventions efficaces de l’ASE en milieu scolaire : 1) approche universelle en classe ; 2) nouveau vocabulaire et langage partagé ; 3) mise en oeuvre de pratiques courtes, simples et fiables ; 4) accent sur des stratégies ASE transférables ; 5) amélioration des connaissances, de la confiance et du comportement des enseignants en ASE. Les résultats appuient les pratiques de prévention et d’intervention pour éduquer, former et soutenir les parties prenantes sur l’importance de l’ASE en classe.

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 41Number 3July 2022
Pages: 39 - 56


Version of record online: 24 August 2022

Key Words

  1. social emotional learning
  2. teacher-led intervention
  3. school-based intervention
  4. mechanisms


  1. apprentissage socioémotionnel
  2. intervention menée par l’enseignant
  3. intervention en milieu scolaire
  4. mécanismes

Plain Language Summary

Mechanisms Supporting Students’ Social and Emotional Learning Development: Qualitative Findings from a Teacher-Led Intervention



Naomi C. Z. Andrews
Elizabeth Al-Jbouri
Alexandra Fortier
School Mental Health Ontario
Tracy Weaver
School Mental Health Ontario

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1. Using Implementation Science to Optimize School Mental Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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