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Psycho-Social Problems Experienced by Native Population Groups in the Canadian Arctic Involved in Resource Development

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
January 1983


Physical health and psycho-social impacts are very much related. There are indications that not only the psychological and social well-being of native peoples but also the physical health and nutritional status has deteriorated in the face of resource development activities in the Arctic. Examples are provided of nutritional anemia, infection of the gastro-intestinal and respiratory tracts in children, obesity, arteriosclerosis and metabolic problems in adults, as well as family break-down, alcohol abuse, venereal disease, and deaths due to violence.


La santé physique et les répercussions psycho-sociales sont grandement interreliées. Tout porte à croire que non seulement le bien-être psychologique et social des autochtones, mais que la santé physique et le statut nutritionnel ont également détériorés devant la mise en valeur des richesses naturelles dans l'arctique canadien. L'auteur relate des cas d'anémie nutritionnelles, d'infections de voies respiratoires et gastro-intestinales chez les enfants, d'obésité d'artériosclérose, et de problèmes métaboliques chez les adultes, ainsi que de séparations familiales, de l'usage excessif de l'alcool, de maladies vénériennes, et de morts violentes.

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cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 2Number S1January 1983
Pages: 53 - 55


Version of record online: 28 April 2009



Otto Schaefer
Medical Services Health and Welfare Canada, Edmonton, Alberta

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