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The Supportive Housing Coalition: A Model for Advocacy and Program Development

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
September 1987


This paper outlines the development of the Supportive Housing Coalition of Metropolitan Toronto, an organization which co-ordinates the efforts of housing agencies, consumers, and treatment facilities in the provision of psychiatric residential programs. An assessment of the organization's impact to date on housing policy, municipal by-laws, program types, and housing stock is described. The organizational model utilized by the coalition is also examined in light of literature on the subject.


Cet article rend compte du développement du Regroupement en faveur de l'Habitation du Toronto métropolitain, un organisme qui coordonne les efforts des agences d'habitation, des consommateurs, et des centres de traitement impliqués dans les programmes de résidences psychiatriques. On évalue l'influence de l'organisme sur les politiques d'habitation, les réglements municipaux, et les banques de logements. A la lumiére des écrits pertinents, on examine aussi le modèle organisationnel utilisé par le Regroupement.

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Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 6Number 2September 1987
Pages: 93 - 106


Version of record online: 29 April 2009



John Trainor
Queen Street Mental Health Centre
Steve Lurie
Canadian Mental Health Association, Metro Toronto Branch
Ronald Ballantyne
Community Resources Consultants of Toronto
Dennis Long
Addiction Research Foundation

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Cited by

1. Current and Preferred Housing of Psychiatric Consumers/Survivors

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