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Mental Health Training Programs for Managers: What do Managers Find Valuable?

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
2 January 2007


Effective management of mental illness in the workplace has been identified as critical to decreasing its impact and developing a healthy workplace. Educational programs targeting managers have been held up as one way of developing effective management practices. While there are recommendations for what managers should do and how they should do it, there is little literature reflecting the managers' voices and what they value. For example, what skills would they like to learn related to mental illness and the workplace? What questions do they have about mental illness? What is their preference for how the material is delivered? Without answers to questions such as these, it is difficult to develop effective training programs for this key group. This paper seeks to add to the body of knowledge about designing mental health training programs for managers. We analyze responses of managers who attended workshops designed to teach them skills to address workplace mental health problems. The paper's three main objectives are to identify (a) aspects of the workshop most valued by participants, (b) areas of information and support managers consider helpful, and (c) barriers in the workplace that make managing mental illness challenging.


Nous savons qu'il est primordial de gérer efficacement les divers aspects de la maladie mentale en milieu de travail pour en réduire les impacts et assurer des milieux sains. Nous savons aussi que les formations destinées aux gestionnaires constituent un moyen de d'assurer des pratiques de gestion efficaces dans ce domaine. Mais, si, dans la littérature, on parle beaucoup de ce que les gestionnaires devraient faire et de comment ils devraient le faire, le point de vue des gestionnaires eux-mêmes, lui, est peu présent. Quelles sont les habiletés que les gestionnaires voudraient développer pour mieux gérer la maladie mentale au travail? Quelles questions se posent-ils sur la maladie mentale? De quelles façons préfèrent-ils que le contenu des formations soit présenté? Sans réponses à ce genre de questions, il est difficile de concevoir des programmes de formation efficaces. Cet article constitue un apport dans ce domaine, puisque nous y analysons les points de vue de gestionnaires sur des ateliers de formation auxquels ils ont participé. Les trois principaux objectifs de notre étude étaient d'établir: (a) les aspects des ateliers que les participants apprécient le plus; (b) les types d'information et de soutien que les gestionnaires considèrent comme utiles; et (c) les barrières qui, en milieu de travail, s'opposent à une gestion efficace de la maladie mentale.

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Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 25Number 2September 2006
Pages: 221 - 239


Version of record online: 2 January 2007



Carolyn S. Dewa
Health Systems Research and Consulting Unit, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto
Amy Burke
Health Systems Research and Consulting Unit, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto
Donna Hardaker
Mental Health Works, Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario
Michele Caveen
Health Systems Research and Consulting Unit, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto
Mary Ann Baynton
Mental Health Works, Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario

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