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More for the Mind and Its Legacy

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
15 December 2015


More For the Mind was published by the Canadian Mental Health Association in 1963. It reviewed the state of mental health services in Canada and called for transforming the delivery of mental health services from a neglected asylum-based system to a community-focused system where people could access services in general hospitals and the community. The article reviews the history of mental health services in Canada, the legacy of More for the Mind and the prospects for the reforms outlined in Changing Directions, Changing Lives.


More For the Mind est un important rapport publié en 1963 par l'Association canadienne pour la santé mentale dans lequel les auteurs examinaient l’état des services de santé mentale au Canada à cette époque. On y recommandait de transformer les services, alors offerts dans des asiles – un système lamentable –, pour les offrir dans les hôpitaux généraux et dans la communauté. Cet article donne une vue d'ensemble de l'histoire des services de santé mentale au Canada – en mettant l'accent sur l'héritage qu'a laissé More For the Mind –, puis explore les perspectives qu'offrent les réformes proposées récemment dans Changer les orientations, changer des vies.

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ACSM (Association canadienne pour la santé mentale). 1965. Clarence Hincks: A Recollection, script of the CBC recording.
CAMH (Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale). 2009. SEEI: Moving in the right direction. right_direction0309.pdf
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Tyhurst, J. S., Chalk, F. C. R., Lawson, F. S., McNeel, B. H., Roberts, C. A., Taylor, G. C., … et Griffin J. 1963. More for the mind. Toronto: Canadian Mental Health Association.
Wolfensberger, W. 1980. Review of the history of Woodlands, Canada's Mental Health, vol. 28, no 3.

Information & Authors


Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 34Number 4December 2015
Pages: 7 - 30


Version of record online: 15 December 2015

Key Words

  1. mental health services
  2. history
  3. reforms


  1. services de santé mentale
  2. histoire
  3. réformes



Steve Lurie [email protected]
Canadian Mental Health Association Toronto Branch
David S. Goldbloom
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

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1. Closing the Mental Health Gap: The Long and Winding Road?
2. Canadian Service Providers’ Perceptions of Barriers and Support Gaps in Housing and Mental Health

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