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Array of Services for Homeless Mentally Ill in Six Canadian Cities: Non-Governmental Organizations’ Contributions and Perspectives

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
14 May 2021


During the period 2010–2011, when the At Home project was conducted, a questionnaire was sent to 420 non-governmental organization (NGO) key managers in six Canadian cities to enquire about their collaboration with public services and their perspective on the services for homeless people with serious mental illness (SMI). NGOs constituted a dense network of collaboration among themselves. With regard to public services, housing and shelters were two services that NGOs had frequent contact with, followed by the healthcare addiction sectors and, to a lesser extent, social service and the justice sectors. Education and employment were both located in the network periphery. In general, NGOs viewed housing availability and accessibility to health services as largely unsatisfactory. They called for better public support, coordination, and funding.


Alors que se déroulait le projet Chez Soi, entre 2010-2011, un questionnaire a été envoyé à 420 responsables d’organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) dans six villes canadiennes, afin d’établir leur collaboration avec les services publics et leur perspective sur l’ensemble des services aux personnes itinérantes. Les ONG constituent un réseau dense de collaboration entre elles. Parmi les services publics, ceux du logement et des refuges étaient les plus familiers des ONG, suivis par le secteur de la santé et des dépendances, et à un moindre degré les services sociaux et de la justice. Enfin, les contacts avec l’éducation et l’emploi étaient plus périphériques. En général, les ONG considèrent comme très insatisfaisants l’offre d’habitation et l’accès aux services de santé. Ils appellent à un meilleur soutien public, une meilleure coordination et un meilleur financement.

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 39Number 4December 2020
Pages: 9 - 24


Version of record online: 14 May 2021

Key Words

  1. homelessness
  2. severe mental disorders
  3. network
  4. interorganizational collaboration
  5. Housing First project


  1. itinérance
  2. troubles mentaux graves
  3. réseau
  4. collaboration interorganisationnelle
  5. projet Chez Soi



Alain Lesage [email protected]
Université de Montréal
Carol E. Adair
Marie-Josée Fleury
Guy Grenier
Douglas Hospital Research Centre
Charles Gaucher
Université de Moncton
Tim Aubry
Carolyn S. Dewa
Michelle Patterson
Simon Fraser University
Julian Somers
Simon Fraser University
Paula Goering (deceased)

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