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Increasing Access and Building Equity into Mental Health Services: An Examination of the Potential for Change

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
April 2001


This article explores the use of mental health care services by ethnoracial people in Canada and distinguishes between the reasons for underutilization of services by ethnoracial groups and the barriers which prevent ethnoracial groups from accessing services. Research focusing on Canadian race relations is reviewed to reveal how they are paralleled in the functioning of mainstream mental health care organizations. Existing policies and attitudes are then con-sidered in relation to how they support or impede interventions to increase accessibility to services. Finally, frameworks for organizational change based on multiculturalism and anti-racism are presented, and the advantages and disadvantages of both are articulated.


Cet article explore l'utilisation des services de santé mentale par les personnes ethnoraciales au Canada. On fait la distinction entre les raisons pour la sous-utilisation des services par les groupes ethnoraciaux et les barrières qui empêchent l'accès aux services par ces groupes. On passe en revue la recherche portant sur les relations interraciales au Canada pour indiquer les parallèles entre ces relations et le fonctionnement des organismes traditionnels de santé mentale. Ensuite on considère les politiques et les attitudes qui existent actuellement au Canada pour voir comment ils supportent ou em-pêchent des interventions pour augmenter l'accès aux services. On présente 2 cadres dans lequel les organisations peuvent changer, l'un basé sur le multi-culturalisme et l'autre sur l'anti-racisme, avec une analyse de leurs avantages et inconvénients.

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cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 20Number 1April 2001
Pages: 37 - 51


Version of record online: 12 May 2009



Charmaine C. Williams
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto

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Cited by

1. Issues and Options for Improving Services for Diverse Populations
2. Systems-level Barriers in Accessing Supportive Mental Health Services for Sexual and Gender Minorities: Insights from the Provider's Perspective
3. Community Mental Health Organizations in Ontario: Perceptions of Cultural Responsiveness
4. Synthesizing Culture and Power in Community Mental Health: An Emerging Framework

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