Closing the Referral Loop: Piloting a Clinical Pathway Between Primary Care and Community-Based Mental Health and Addictions Services

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
23 January 2024


Findings from a novel Primary Care (PC) Mental Health (MH) pathway for children and young people in Northern Ontario, Canada are presented. Overall, 166 MH referrals from PC to a community-based child and youth MH and addictions agency (CB-CYMHA) occurred, with outstanding PC uptake (100%) and faxing referral outcomes (99%) from the CB-CYMHA to the PC provider. Half of referral outcomes (50%) were returned within 2 weeks and 83% of contacted clients reported satisfaction with services received. This successful pilot serves as an example for care pathway improvements and mobilizes knowledge for other pathway sites across Ontario.


Cette étude présente les résultats d’un parcours de soins de santé primaires (SSP) pour la santé mentale (SM) des enfants et des adolescents en Ontario. 166 aiguillages de SSP vers un organisme communautaire de SM et de lutte contre les dépendances ont été pris en compte, avec une forte participation de SSP (100 %). La moitié des résultats recensés ont été renvoyés aux SSP dans les 2 semaines et 83 % des clients contactés ont déclaré être satisfaits des services reçus. Ce projet pilote sert d’exemple pour l’amélioration des parcours de soins et mobilise les connaissances pour d’autres sites de parcours en Ontario.

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Information & Authors


Published In

cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 42Number 4December 2023
Pages: 21 - 47


Version of record online: 23 January 2024

Key Words

  1. clinical care pathway
  2. child and youth mental health
  3. primary care
  4. community health


  1. parcours de soins cliniques
  2. santé mentale pour enfants et adolescents
  3. soins de santé primaires
  4. santé communautaire



Christine Polihronis [email protected]
Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions, and CHEO Research Institute
Laura Ziebell
Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions
Paula Cloutier
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), and CHEO Research Institute
Ashley Radomski
CHEO Research Institute, and Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions
Purnima Sundar
Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions, and CHEO Research Institute
Sandie Leith
Algoma Family Services
Jodie Stewart
Algoma District Medical Group
Mario Cappelli
Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions, CHEO Research Institute, University of Ottawa, Carleton University

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