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A Critique of “Oversimplified Images: Comments on …”

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
April 1995


Stewart Page argues that my article “‘Control or Treatment?’ Experiences of People who have been Psychiatrically Hospitalized in New Brunswick” (CJCMII, Vol. 13 No. 1. Spring 1994) contains many oversimplifications. However, analyzing his critique reveals that Page makes some broad statements that seem to be based in a patronizing attitude toward people who have been psychiatrically hospitalized. For example, the experiences of psychiatric patients cannot be compared to those of non-psychiatric patients because the treatment of people with “mental illness” is regulated by a powerful measure: the Mental Health Act. Furthermore, the poor living conditions of some of the research participants had a major impact on their experiences inside the hospital. “Mental illness” is a complex and multi-faceted problem. The first step to gain insight into it is to listen to the voices of people who have first-hand experiences: people who have been psychiatrically hospitalized.


Stewart Page avance l'argument que mon article Control or Treatment? Experiences of People Who Have Been Psychiatrically Hospitalized in New Brunswick [Contrôle ou tratement? Expériences de personnes ayant été hospitalisées en psychiatrie, au Nouveau Brunswick] (RCSMC, Vol. 13, No 1, 1994) contient plusieurs «sursimplifications«. Toutefois, une analyse de ses critiques montre que Page fait certaines affirmations générales qui semblent reposer sur une attitude paternaliste è l'égard des personnes qui ont connu l'hospitalisation en psychiatrie. Par exemple, l'expérience de patients psychiatrisés ne peut pas être comparée è celle de patient non psychiatrisés, parce que le traitement de personnes atteintes de «maladie mentale» est réglementée par une mesure très contraignante: le Mental Health Act [La Loi sur la santé mentale]. De plus, des conditions de vie misérables affectant certains des participants è la recherche ont eu un impact majeur sur leur expérience vécue è l'intérieur de l'hôpital. La «maladie mentale» est un problème complexe, aux multiples facettes. La première étape pour la comprendre est d'écouter la parole des personnes qui en ont une expérience directe: les personnes qui ont été hospitalisées en psychiatrie.

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cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 14Number 1April 1995
Pages: 133 - 136


Version of record online: 4 May 2009



Baukje Miedema
University of New Brunswick

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