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The Challenge of Genuine Power Sharing in Participatory Research: The Gap Between Theory and Practice

Publication: Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
September 1996


Participatory research is often suggested as a strategy to overcome power imbalances between researchers and research “subjects” because it values equally the knowledge of each individual who participates in the project. However, there is little documentation of the dilemmas that may arise when a complex community service organization attempts to engage in participatory research. In our experience of a participatory research project with multiple partners, power imbalances arose from organizationally based perspectives that were unaccounted for in the participatory research literature, demonstrating that power is a complex and elusive factor in establishing equal relations.


Il est souvent suggéré que la recherche participative est une stratégie visant è rééquilibrer les relations entre les chercheurs et les participants, puisqu'elle permettrait de traiter sur un pied d'égalité les connaissances de chacun. Il existe toutefois très peu de documentation concernant les dilemmes auxquels est confrontée une agence de services communautaires lorsqu'elle tente d'entreprendre une recherche participative. D'après notre expérience lors d'un project de recherche participative en multipartenariat, les déséquilibres dans les relations étaient dus è des perspectives organisationnelles différentes. Or ces facteurs ne semblent pas pris en considération dans les écrits sur la recherche participative, ce qui peut contribuer è la difficulté de définir des relations égalitaires.

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cover image Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health
Volume 15Number 2September 1996
Pages: 145 - 152


Version of record online: 4 May 2009



Robin Mason
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Marie Boutilier
North York Community Health Promotion Research Unit

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1. Investigating Issues Surrounding Depression in Adolescent Girls Across Ontario: A Participatory Action Research Project

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